Patents in Peru

A country celebrated for its rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes, is also a thriving hub for innovation and intellectual property protection. 

Peru is a signatory to the Paris Convention and the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), which can simplify the process of obtaining patents in multiple countries.

Filing a patent in Peru can be strategically significant compared to other Latin American countries because is one of the fastest-growing economies in the region, has established effective mechanisms for enforcing intellectual property rights. Courts and authorities in Peru are increasingly experienced in handling patent disputes, providing inventors with confidence in the legal system.

If you need additional information and require us to review your filing strategy , do not hesitate to contact us!.

Why choose us

  • Quality service: is characterized by providing services with the highest quality standards. Our services are carried out by attorneys and engineers specialized in intellectual property in order to ensure quality and that all the legal requirements are covered.
  • Experience: We have more than 20 years of experience providing large companies, law firms and inventors, international design and patent application services in almost every country.
  • Personalized communications: All communications between our clients and are managed by dedicated account executives and saved on our confidential and secure  platform.
  • Competitive prices and no hidden fees: We offer competitive prices and inform of any possible additional cost timely and in advance.

How to apply


Prepare the patent specifications. We can assist you with this also.


Request a quotation for the patent filing.


Payment of the patent filing service.


Assigned attorney review and prepare the forms.


Patent application filed and reported to you.

General information

Invention patent

Design patent

Filling timelines

The time limit for the PCT national phase entry in Peru is 30 months from the earliest date of priority and 12 months for Direct Paris Route application.

The time limit for filing a design is 6 months from the earliest date of priority. 

Required documents

Signed POA, assignment and certified copy of priority, if applicable.

Signed POA, assignment and certified copy of priority, if applicable. A drawing set of the different views of the design.

Examination stage

The examination fees are included in the official fees that are paid at the filing stage. The first examination report must be issued by the INDECOPI in around 2 years from the filing date. It is possible to request accelerated examination under PPH under certain circumstances.

The patent office will review if the design application meets all formalities and registrability. No examination fees must be paid. The Patent Office will not initiate an examination of the novelty of the subject matter in no opposition has been duly filed. Nevertheless, if it is evident that the industrial design lacks novelty, the patent office may reject the application.


No official fees must be paid for the granting of the patent in this country. Maintenance fees are paid during the pendency of the patent.

No granting fee must be paid, once the design has been accepted a certificate of registration will be issued. The patent term of the design is 10 years from the filing date.

Our services


International patent filing (any country)

We have more than 20 years of experience filing and handling patent applications in almost every country. With us you will find a centralized and cost-effective filing of your international applications, allowing you to focus on the invention and the business side of your project.


Portfolio management

We are an excellent solution for law firms and experience IP attorneys that need assistance with an experienced company for management and prosecution of large portfolios, with a portfolio of more than 2200 patents, we will provide an easy and fast reporting, files and documents up to date and timely next tasks notifications.


Analytic services

In Patentarea we also have plenty of experience providing analityc services like Patentability searchs, freedom to operate analysis, and patent valuation reports.


Patent drafting

If you need assistance with a quick and cost-effective patent draft for your clients, or if you are protecting your invention for the first time, we will gladly assist you with this also.


Other Patent Services

We can also assist with any other service like assignments, renewal, licensing agreements and more. Just contact us.


How long can it take a Peruvian patent to be issued?

A standard patent application process in Peru can take between 3 and 4 years from the filing date. However, a PPH requested can be filed to potentially allow the applicant to reduce the examination time in more than a half. Contact us for additional information.

Can a Peruvian patent application be restored after abandonment?

Restoration can be complicated, at the time of the appeal the applicant can state that the reason of abandonment was due to a force majeure event. 

If you have a patent lapsed, do not hesitate in contacting us to review your case in detail.


We have a team of patent attorneys and engineers, with years of experience making patent searches, filing patent applications and following up on the patent process in more than 30 countries, which allows us to assure you:
-Competent professionals will perform all the necessary procedures for filing and following up your patent application.
-You will receive timely information regarding updates for the application process.
-If objections or rejections arise in the patent application process, knowledgeable attorneys will advise you on the appropriate course of action.
-All information provided to us will be kept in absolute confidentiality. Before entering any business relationship we electronically sign a confidentiality agreement with you that protects your interests (View our confidentiality agreement).

Who will be in charge of my application?

In countries where services are offered, relies on teams of recognized and experienced patent attorneys, allowing us to assure a high-quality service.
To learn about the attorney directly in charge of your request select the link “Attorney in charge” located on the toolbar or in the “About Us” section.


Patent in Peru

Patent Services in Peru

We offer an extensive variety of services oriented to the analysis and protection of the inventions of our clients. If you need guidance for your patent filing or your National Phases in Peru do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Patent drafts

    Highly experience preparing patent drafts.

  • Local Filing

    File your local application in Peru.

  • National Phases

    Have your different patent applications centralized.

Design Services in Peru

If your company or you as a sole inventor are launching a new product in Peru, it is always recommendable to apply for an industrial design protection.  Consider that a design patent granted will protect the aesthetic aspects of your new product preventing unauthorized copying or imitation by others, also will add value to your product and company.

  • Design drawings

    We offer professional drawings services in order to allow the applicant a proper filing.

  • Design Search

    We offer international design search and analysis services.

  • Design Applications

    We will file your design in almost any country you need.

Faqs Patent requirements