Privacy Policy


Updated June 17th, 2024

This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we collect from you in connection with your use of our services and how we use that information. As used within this Privacy Policy, “”, “Patentarea”, “we”, and “us”, collectively refer to LLC. This Privacy Policy is incorporated by reference into the Patentarea General Terms and Conditions. By accessing the website at or making use of any of the services made available thereby, you consent to our use of your personal information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. Should you not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, you shall not use the Patentarea website, or the services made available thereby. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meanings prescribed to them within the Patentarea General Terms and Conditions. has defined and established policies for information privacy that represent a clear commitment to the confidentiality needs of our clients. These policies are applied to the collection as well as to the delivery of any type of personal information. Accordingly, the personal information of our clients is maintained in secure locations, to which only the personnel of or its duly-accredited representatives have access. Should any personal information be required to be disclosed pursuant to governmental authority per an official notice or action, such personal information shall be disclosed to such authority, but such disclosure shall be limited to that portion necessary and sufficient to comply with the requirements thereof.

The type of personal data we collect and how it is processed depends on the services requested.


We are, Patent services provider. Our address is 1001 BRICKELL BAY DR, STE. 2700, FL 33131, United States of America. You can contact us by email at [email protected] or by telephone at + +1(501)406-2054

We are not required to have a data protection officer, so any enquiries about our use of your personal data should be addressed to the contact details above.


2.1. When you use our website.

When you use our website to browse our services, and other information we make available, a number of cookies are used by us and by third parties to allow the website to function, to collect useful information about visitors, and to help to make your user experience better.

We may also collect your IP address so that we can personalize the website and our services for you.

2.2. When you request assistance.

When you request assistance we may ask you for your name, email address, and other contact information.

We use this information to respond to your query, including providing you with any requested information about our products and services. We may also contact you several times after your enquiry in order to follow up on your interest and ensure that we have answered any enquiries to your satisfaction. We will do this based on our legitimate interest in providing accurate information prior to a sale.

Every time you contact us via e-mail we open a support ticket through Zendesk which is the entity providing our help desk software. Zendesk does not have access to the contents of any communications. Communications data is stored on their platform in the United States. Zendesk fully complies with the EU Directive with respect to all Personal Data (as that term is defined in said EU Directive).

If you are provided support via chat, we may use your contact information to send you a transcription of the conversation. The transcription will be sent only if you request it. We will not share, sell, rent or trade your name or email with third parties for their promotional purposes.

We do not use the information you provide to make any automated decisions that might affect you.

In certain situations, may disclose personal data in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

We may also disclose your personal information as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena or other legal process, when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request.

2.3. When you contact us through social media or use Social Media widgets.

Our website includes Social Media features, such as the Linkedin “Like” button and other Widgets, such as the “Share this” button and other interactive mini-programs that run on our site. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social Media Features and Widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our site. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing them and shall have no liability or responsibility for the collection and/or use of personal data thereby.

2.4. When you create an account with us and purchase any of our services.

When you sign up for an account with you will provide us with your name, email, address, and contact telephone number. We will send you an email to verifying said information.

When you purchase any of our online services, we may ask you for your name, address, contact telephone number, email address and credit card information. We also record your IP (Internet Protocol) address, which is the address of your computer on the Internet.

We will use your information to verify your credit card details for your purchase and process your order and services. We will also send you a receipt via email and we may use your telephone number to contact you regarding your purchase.

Your information is stored on our servers, which are based in the United States and Canada. Your credit card details are passed to a third-party payment processor which is based in the United States. We do not retain your credit card information. Our third-party payment processor complies with the General Data Protection Regulations of the EU and UK and is prohibited from using your personal information for any other purpose. If you utilize our Services from a country other than the country where our servers are located, your personal data will be sent across international borders, and you hereby consent to such transfers. In these cases, your personal data will continue to be handled according to this Privacy Policy.

We do not use the information you provide to make any automated decisions that might affect you. If you would like to request that your personal information, be deleted from our database, or if you want to disable the Social Media log in please contact us at [email protected].

  • 2.4.1.Patent Application Related Services.

For patent application related services, in addition to personal data, we may need additional data per the specific requirements of each country. Such information may include ID numbers, copies of government issued identification, and marital status information. If the patent owner is a company, certain information about the entity (including but not limited to, name, object, business activity, capital, company formation date, duration, copy of the certificate of incorporation, number of shareholders/members, and number of directors if needed), and additional personal information about the shareholders/members and of the directors may also be required.

The information provided to patent application agents is necessary to comply with the requirements of government authorities and ruling organizations, and is provided to third parties per your explicit instructions with respect to the registration services.

Once a patent application request or document containing personal data is filed with the patent office in any country, it will become public by virtue of law.

  • 2.4.2.Links to Third Parties Sites.

Our website includes links to other websites whose privacy practices may differ from those of If you submit personal information to any of those sites, your information is governed by their privacy policies. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy policy of any website you visit.


The site is not intended for minors under the age of 18 nor does the site knowingly collect personal information from minors under 18. The site is not oriented toward minors, and does not target them as an audience. The website and services do not collect or distribute information indicating whether a user is a minor.


You can ask us what information we hold about you, and if inaccurate, you can ask us to correct it. We will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe. We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services. Please contact us if you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. If we have asked for your consent to process your personal data, you may withdraw that consent at any time provided that this data is not being used in any trademark or domain name registration.

Finally, in some circumstances you can ask us not to reach decisions affecting you using automated processing.

To submit a request regarding your personal data by email, post or telephone, please use the contact information provided above in the “Who We Are” section of this policy.

If you have a question or complaint about our use of your information, we would prefer you to contact us directly in the first instance so that we can address your question or complaint.


Patentarea shall use commercially reasonable measures in line with industry standards to protect your information, including but not limited to electronic and administrative safeguards designed to help make personal information secure, during both transmission and storage. We will make reasonable attempts to provide you with notice in the event of a security breach.

The information you provide Patentarea may be collected through our services and processed in the United States or any other country in which Patentarea, its subsidiaries, affiliates, and/or service providers maintain facilities. As a result, Patentarea its subsidiaries, affiliates, and/or service providers may transfer information we collect about you, including personal information, across borders and from your country or jurisdiction to other countries or jurisdictions around the world.  For example, you may reside in another country or region with differing data protection and privacy laws than the United States. Consequently, when you register to use the Service you acknowledge and consent to Patentarea transmitting your information to the United States or to any country in which Patentarea and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates, and/or service providers maintain facilities and the use and disclosure of information about you as described in this Privacy Policy.

In turn, Patentarea uses commercially reasonable standards, measures and/or protocols to keep the information collected through the Service secure and as a result we take cautionary steps to verify your identify before granting you Service access. Moreover, Patentarea cannot ensure the security of any information submitted or transmitted by you to Patentarea nor can we guarantee that said information may not be disclosed, destroyed, and/or altered.


6.1. EU Residents.

To the extent that you are a user that resides in the EU or the UK, the terms of this Section 6 apply to the collection, storage, and use of your personal information. Under the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU and UK, or GDPR, EU and UK residents have certain rights regarding their data, including:

  • Right to access the personal information;
  • Right to correct incorrect personal information that Patentarea has about you;
  • Right to prevent Patentarea from using your personal information and/or objecting to processing;
  • Restricting use of your personal information for use for particular purposes;
  • Right to be forgotten (by requesting that Patentarea delete all of the personal information it has about you); and
  • Right to not be subject to automated decision making.
  • 2.1.“Process”, “Processing”, or “Processed” means anything that is done with any of your Personal Information, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.  Patentarea Processes your Personal Information rather than utilizing a third-party processor to do so on our behalf.
  • 2.2.“Controller” means the entity that decides how and why Personal Information is Processed.  Accordingly, Patentarea is the Controller of your Personal Information in that we decide how and why your Personal Information is Processed.
  • 2.3.“Sensitive Personal Data” means Personal Data about race or ethnicity, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health, sexual life, any actual or alleged criminal offences or penalties, national identification number (as applicable in the EU) or any other information that may be deemed to be sensitive under applicable law.

6.3. Grounds for Processing.

The GDPR requires that companies processing the personal data of EU and UK users do so on the basis of specific legal grounds. As described below, Patentarea processes the information of EU and UK users based on one or more of the following grounds as allowed under the GDPR:

  • 6.3.1.The processing is necessary to provide the services and features you request.

Patentarea must collect and use certain information in order to provide its services. This includes:

User profile information that is necessary to establish and maintain your account, including to verify your identity; enable communications with you about the services you order from us; and to enable you to make payments.

Usage information, which is necessary to maintain, optimize and enhance Patentarea’s services.

  • 6.3.2.The processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of our users or of others.

Patentarea may process personal information, including disclosing data with law enforcement authorities in case of threats to the safety of users or of others.

  • 6.3.3.The processing is necessary for Patentarea’s legitimate interests. Patentarea collects and uses personal information to the extent necessary for its legitimate interests. This includes, but is not limited to, collecting and using information:
    • To prevent, detect and combat fraud in connection with the use of our services.
    • To inform law enforcement officials regarding criminal acts or threats to public safety.
    • To provide customer support.
    • To optimize our service and develop new services
    • For direct marketing purposes. This includes, for example, analyzing data to identify trends and tailor marketing messages to user needs.
    • To enforce Patentarea’s Terms and Conditions or to protects its interests.
  • 6.3.4.The processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of other persons or parties.
    • Patentarea collects and uses personal information to the extent necessary for the interests of other persons or the general public. This includes sharing information in connection with legal or insurance claims, to protect the rights and safety of others.
    • Patentarea may also process personal information when necessary in regard to a substantial public interest, on the basis of applicable laws.
  • 6.3.5.The processing is necessary to fulfill Patentarea’s legal obligations.

Patentarea is subject to legal requirements in the jurisdictions in which it operates that require us to collect, process, disclose, and retain your personal data. For example, Patentarea is subject to laws and regulations in many cities and countries that require it to collect and retain information about the Patentarea products, to retain such information for extended periods of time, and to provide copies of such information to governmental or other authorities. Patentarea uses your information to comply with such laws to the extent they apply to your use of the Patentarea services.


7.1. Australian Residents.

This Section 7 applies only to Australian residents. Patentarea adheres to the Australian National Privacy Principals as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 which can be accessed online at  We will only transfer your personal information to someone (other than to you) who is outside of Australia if the conditions set out in the Privacy Act 1988 are met. The Privacy Act 1988 requires you to consent to the transfer and requires us to take reasonable steps to ensure that the information being transferred will not be held, used or disclosed by the recipient of the information inconsistently with the Privacy Act 1988. Per the terms of this Privacy Policy, you hereby consent to the transfer of your personal information outside of Australia in accordance with Section 5.2 above.


8.1. Canadian Residents.

This Section 8 applies only to Canadian residents. Patentarea adheres to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”). Canadian residents may request access to their personal information and Patentarea will comply with such requests in accordance with PIPEDA. Note that, in certain circumstances, Patentarea may not disclose your information to you. For example, Patentarea may not disclose your information to you if other individuals are referenced therein or if there are legal, security, or proprietary information restrictions.

Patentarea will make information available to you about its policies and practices with respect to the management of your personal information.

Per the terms of this Privacy Policy, you hereby consent to the transfer of your personal information outside of Canada in accordance with Section 5 above.


9.1. Californian Residents.

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act, or CCPA, California residents have certain rights regarding their data, including:

  • To know the categories of personal information collected and disclosed and the sources from which such information was collected (see Section 2);
  • The business purpose for using or sharing personal information (see Section 4 and 6);
  • The categories of third parties with whom personal information has been and will be disclosed (see Section 6); and
  • The ability to know and delete certain pieces of personal information (see below).

9.2. Right to Know and Right to Delete.

If you are a California resident, you shall also have the right to know the specific pieces of personal information that Patentarea has about you, and the right to request deletion of your personal information in accordance with applicable law.

9.3. Requests to Know and Requests to Delete.

California residents may exercise their rights under applicable privacy laws by submitting a request to us via e-mail:  [email protected];  via the webform at the following link: contact us ; or via telephone at +1.347.897.0218.  The foregoing means may also be used to revoke consent to use your personal information.  All requests are subject to verification.


We regularly review and, if appropriate, update this privacy policy from time to time, and as our services and use of personal data evolves. We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time.  Your continued use of our services will signify your acceptance of any changes to our Privacy Policy.

If there is a substantive or material change in the way that we use personal information, we will notify you by email (sent to the e-mail address specified in your account) or by means of a notice on this site prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.

  • Email: [email protected]
  • United States: +1(501)406-2054
  • Mailing Address:1001 BRICKELL BAY DR, STE. 2700 United States of America.
  • Effective Date: 03/07/2007
  • Last Updated on: 04/10/2024